Thursday, January 5, 2012

Scruff Thursday : The Inauguration

After some thought I decided I needed to start at least one weekly themed posting.  Some bloggers have "Music Monday" or "End of Week Instagram Roundups".  Those are nice and all but I wanted to do something near and dear to me.  What is something that I would not get tired of blogging about one day a week, week after week.  Let's be honest, the answer came pretty quickly: Scruffy men and scruffy animals.  So with no further ado allow me to introduce to you the first winner of the weekly "Scruff Thursday" awards!

You saw her featured not too long ago here and here but her animal scruff deserves further representation on this here blog.  I am here to formally recognizing Miss Millie for exceptional skills at cuddliness and fuzziness.  Thank you Mille for all you bring to the "World of Scruff".

Hope your Thursdays are scruff-tastic!


  1. Scruffy men and scruffy animals?! I agree, I could never get tired of that! Cute picture :) Have a great weekend!

  2. Yeah I can not resist a heavily bearded man or a dog that definitely hasn't been groomed in awhile! :)


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