Monday, November 14, 2011

The Update You've Been Anxiously Waiting For...

You didn't know you were waiting for an update from me did you? Man oh man, life is full full of surprises!

Before I unveil the update you didn't know you were dying to hear, let's first have a dance party, shall we?! I am currently working away at Caffe Vita in Upper Fremont and participating in my own PDP (private dance party) but I want to extend an invitation to a virtual dance party for us to share in! Below is the tune to which we shall jig. Press play and proceed to cut a rug...

Oooooeeee. Now that that's out of our system let's get down to the business at hand. The business of updating. Drumroll please...


I officially finished my task of "taking charge".

What was once a disaster zone...
Has been transformed into this oasis of respite, romance, and reading...

Since completing this task of epic proportions I have read not 1 but 2 entire books and am half way through a 3rd! I know what you're thinking (because I'm thinking it too), "Girl you've come a long way since last week at this time." Thanks for noticing!

Before going off to enjoy some respite, dream of romance, and do some reading in my newly oasis-afied room I think I should update you on another topic... I have recovered (more or less) from the emotional beating that is reading Blue Nights. If you like Joan Didion I highly recommend it and if you want to read a book that will increase your awareness of the inevitability of aging and some of the heartbreaking issues that go with then I also highly recommend it. What I don't recommend is reading it right before bed. I needed to watch 2 episodes of Parks and Recreation followed by Up All Night before my mind would let me sleep.

With that I shall abruptly sign off with a "that's all she wrote"...
That's all she wrote.

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