Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I've missed writing on this little blog.  There's just been so many things keeping me occupied lately...  I had a friend in town, the second half of my birthday month to celebrate, 5 seasons of Friday Night Lights to watch, and an attempt to get back into tip-top running shape to keep me busy.

An update on how all of the above turned:
=>  My friend, Rachel, visited Seattle for the first time.  We had a lovely time despite the fact that she is now gluten free and so would not imbibe any of the region's microbrew finery with me.
=>  Birthday month was delightful!  I'm so glad March has a full 31 days to it.
=>  Friday Night Lights is the best and worst thing that has happened to be in a long time.  It's the best because well it's amazing.  It's the worst because there's really very little that is more enticing to me right now than spending time with Coach Eric Taylor.  Have I read my book for book club... not exactly.  Have I stayed up too late telling myself "just one more episode" one more episode too many times?  Absolutely.
=>  Running is going pretty well.  Made it around Lake Union on Saturday (that's 6 miles to those of you not in the know).  I'm going to put a 10 mile weekend run on the books soon and after that's complete I'll be feeling pretty good.  Pretty good indeed.

The sun's peaking out a little bit so I want to hurry up and get my work finished so I can go home and work on that running!

Right now I'm ever so slightly addicted to this song by Bird & the Bee.  Give it a whirl!


  1. I did the same thing with Friday Night Lights! I think I watched the whole series in a just a couple of months. (It would have taken less time except, you know, work and real life kept getting in the way.) I've actually been thinking about rewatching it. :)

  2. I really need to hop on the FNL bandwagon, they are all streaming on Netflix! Also, I'm a big fan of The Bird & The Bee - so great.


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