Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday Musings

Last week was one of those "Am I losing my mind?" sort of weeks.  Please readers tell me you know the kind of week I'm referring to.  One of those 7 days where my brain was thinking crazy thoughts, my mouth was speaking even crazier words, and all I could do to not self-destruct was keep busy, busy, BUSY.

An aside: Maybe it's something in the water?  From what I've heard I'm not the only Seattle-ite experiencing temporary insanity.

Anyway, luckily for me, on Thursday night I flew down to California to see my family and had the chance to briefly visit one of my best friends and her fiance.  The trip definitely helped with the "crazies" and I like to think that I woke up feeling a little more "zen" today, or at least dedicated to the pursuit of chilling the "eff" out.

Here are a few pictures of the sunnier times I had over the weekend.  It was filled with plenty palm tree sightings, a hillside hike, a cute dog, well dressed family members, and happy cows (they're happy because they're from California, DUH).

Now that I'm back in Seattle I am making an effort to calm down and enjoy life more than I had been last week.  Initially, to usher this calmness into my life, I pledged that after work I would go straight home, run a few miles, hit up a yoga class, then clean my room while singing along to some sweet tunes before turning in and enjoying the wonder that is my newly luxurious bed (yeah, I still cant get over my memory foam, nbd).

As the day has dragged on progressed (and I realized my paycheck is already waiting for me in my checking account) I have changed my tune and decided that what I really need is to socialize while wearing a cute outfit heavily featuring my new hot pink jeans.  So change of plans... fancy cocktails, sushi, my favorite wedges, and brightly colored pants have taken the place of my original evening of health and wellness.  Room cleaning and long distance running can wait!   

Another aside:  Yes, I am always in the state of needing to clean my room.  It seems as if a tornado hits weekly when I'm not looking.  I of course have nothing to do with its recurring state of disarray.

One thing that doesn't have to wait is listening to the aforementioned sweet tunes.  I'm pretty sure I'll be blasting this playlist while deciding exactly which lipstick pairs best with neon pink legs.

Polite Dance Song - the bird and the bee
Eyeoneye - Andrew Bird
All Day Day Light - The Morning Benders
Cannons - Youth Lagoon
Birthday - the bird and the bee
Boyfriend - Best Coast
Salsaness - Radiation City
Heard It On The Radio - the bird and the bee
Young Adult Friction - The Pains of Being Pure at Heart

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tricky Tricky

Sometimes, when she won't come over on her own accord, I like to lure my coworker (Maggie the dog) over to my desk with a treat and then snatch her up and make her take pictures with me.  
I'm pretty sure that she's grown hip to my tricks but the treats continue to prove to be too delicious to pass up... and I think that secretly she finds the cuddles delicious as well.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Joy In A Box

Alleluia!  Oh happiest of days! These were waiting for me at my desk yesterday...
It being the week after Easter, Peep prices are at a discounted low and those in the "Amanda inner-circle" (very important and very exclusive, obviously) know that the way to my heart is by stocking up on my behalf!  (Hot tip: The chicks are far preferable to the bunnies and if pink is not available then yellow is my color of choice... seriously people, not much time left, get out there and buy me some!!!)

  Anyway,  after squealing with glee and thanking my gift-giver, I popped a batch into the freezer.  All Peep lovers know that Peeps are even more enjoyable when they're stale but only true connoisseurs (aka weirdo fanatics) know that frozen peeps mimic some of the texture of a stale Peep but have an extra chilly bonus.  Say it with me now - "Nom-nom-dot-com".   The first frozen batch has already been scarfed and, surprisingly enough, not all the scarfing was done by me!

My co-worker Heidi had never had a Peep until yesterday.  I repeat, this woman had made it to her late forties without ever eating a Peep!!!  What sort of sad and sorry existence is that?  It most certainly was not one that I could stand for, I'll tell you that much.  And so, as would be expected of me, I came to the rescue and the situation has been rectified.  Heidi finally tasted the magic that is processed sugar fluffs coated in more sugar and shaped like baby chickens!  Huzzah!

 I typically don't like to force Peeps on anyone.  My fear in introducing people to my favorite sweet comes from the fact that Peeps are one of this world's "divisive foods".  The "divisive foods" are those foods that you either love to the point that marriage is a real consideration or you hate to the point that just seeing them is day-ruining.  I'm telling you, Peeps are right up there with the likes of cilantro, pickles, olives, and candy corn (eeewww, candy corn, seriously eewwww!). 

 Very little hurts my heart more than being exposed to Peep-hate. but luckily for me (and my tender heart) the good feeling I had about Heidi was spot on.  After a little encouragement she tried the sugary goodness and not only did she enjoy it but she was quite eager to get her hands on more.  And more I have given her and more I will continue to give!  By the time the stores have finally run out of Easter Peeps she'll be borderline diabetic... and it's all because of me!

It's days like this that I feel satisfied... like I really made a difference.  Time to sign off so I can free my hands and commence patting myself on the back.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Good Things...A Mainly Pictoral Exploration

After a few days... okay, a few weeks, months, and maybe even years of me going "W-T-EFFFF?" I was planning on titling this entry "Dudes Be Dumb" and elaborating on this statement.  For the sake of time and my sanity I decided to save my breath and instead post on a few good things that have been going on as of late...

1.  This past weekend was almost impossibly beautiful... like I could be brought to tears just reminiscing over the sun and warmth!

I was dog sitting in South Seattle and on Saturday morning decided to grab my camera and explore nearby Georgetown.Unfortunately my camera was without its SD card (wretch! blast!) and so my iPhone had to suffice. Luckily I had just downloaded a bundle of new photo apps and so this was the perfect opportunity to play around and pretend like I'm artistically gifted (side note: I really need to learn how to use my DSLR and stop relying on cool photo editing software... but that's for another time).  Here's a glimpse at my sunny (and industrial) explorations...

The Corson Building. I have yet to eat there ($$$$) but was charmed when I stumbled upon in my wanderings.

... Oh the humanity!

Apparently heaven is a place on earth and it's called Useful Vintage Goods in Georgetown, Seattle.  I could have stayed in there all day basking in the splendor of the hopelessly unaffordable found objects.

Came across the Georgetown Trailer Park Market.  Like a flea market... ... ... but in trailers.  Rest assured, I'll be back!

2.   After a stellar Saturday the weekend just kept getting better.  Easter Sunday looked a little something like this...
7 AM

10 AM

11 AM - 12 PM

After 1 PM the photos stopped.  Mimosa + Bloody Mary = Extended lunch time nap (on my new memory foam mattress topper).  Basically I was a happy camper.

I have more "good things" to post but this is getting a little lengthy, I am getting hungry, and I want to save something to post another time!

I hope my billions of trillions of zillions of readers also had a splendidly sunny weekend filled with sandal wearing, naps, walks, friends, and foods!

I'm going to leave you with the lead track from my newest impulse iTunes purchase... yeah, that's right I bought Fleetwood Mac's Rumours... what about it?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Weekend Welcomed

I am immensely looking forward to some down time.  I frequently find myself overextended and the past two weeks have been prime examples of that.  Concerts, flat tires, dog sitting, dinner plans, happy hours, much needed yoga and all too short runs, unforeseen Seattle traffic meltdowns, and a full work schedule  have left me exhausted (and with FILTHY hair.  Seriously, my number 1 to do after work is washing this ole mop).  Tomorrow morning my good friend Sleeping-In and I are going to become reacquainted, after that I'm doing some tire repair, serious laundry, and spending some time with Dillon High Panthers (I haven't been able to watch Friday Night Lights all week.  *GASP*).

Despite feeling only half awake at the moment there have been a few things keeping me energized through a hectic 5 days.  They are pictoraly represented below:

I find it highly doubtful that this level of "at work cuteness" will ever get old.

Oh, well hello Spring!  In the right light you're a real stunner!

I went showin' last night.  "Showin'" for those of you not in the know (i.e. not in  my weird little brain) is when you go to a show.  In case you didn't figure that out.  Anyway, as I was saying, I went showin' last night and I'm going showin' tonight.  I saw Typhoon who I had been hoping to see for quite awhile.  They did not disappoint.  Actually it was way better than I expected.  I, however, did disappoint.  I dragged my tired self out of there early so that I could be assured I could drive home without falling asleep behind the wheel and missed some of my favorite songs.  But, make it home safe I did!

Happy weekend to all!  It's Easter on Sunday and that means the best day of the year is nearly here... Peeps will be 50% on Monday!  Better stock up!

Clearly I'm going to close this entry with a Typhoon tune... clearly...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I've missed writing on this little blog.  There's just been so many things keeping me occupied lately...  I had a friend in town, the second half of my birthday month to celebrate, 5 seasons of Friday Night Lights to watch, and an attempt to get back into tip-top running shape to keep me busy.

An update on how all of the above turned:
=>  My friend, Rachel, visited Seattle for the first time.  We had a lovely time despite the fact that she is now gluten free and so would not imbibe any of the region's microbrew finery with me.
=>  Birthday month was delightful!  I'm so glad March has a full 31 days to it.
=>  Friday Night Lights is the best and worst thing that has happened to be in a long time.  It's the best because well it's amazing.  It's the worst because there's really very little that is more enticing to me right now than spending time with Coach Eric Taylor.  Have I read my book for book club... not exactly.  Have I stayed up too late telling myself "just one more episode" one more episode too many times?  Absolutely.
=>  Running is going pretty well.  Made it around Lake Union on Saturday (that's 6 miles to those of you not in the know).  I'm going to put a 10 mile weekend run on the books soon and after that's complete I'll be feeling pretty good.  Pretty good indeed.

The sun's peaking out a little bit so I want to hurry up and get my work finished so I can go home and work on that running!

Right now I'm ever so slightly addicted to this song by Bird & the Bee.  Give it a whirl!
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